
Storms on Venus--Lightning Like God is Coming

When you receive the Seal you look for the return of Jesus who comes like lightning crossing the sky. It is now confirmed that lightning happens frequently on the planet Venus just like on earth.
No doubt about it--the heavenly bodies are beautiful. After all, they are a part of Heaven. But when you look at what scientists say about Venus, it is hard to imagine the presence of God there.
There is no life on Venus. Scientists know enough about the planet to know that its atmosphere could not support life. Perhaps it did many years ago but not now, even with the bursts of lightning now known to happen frequently there.
Lightning is a phenomenon which could bring life. And it is not surprising that scientists think so, considering how Jesus said He would return as lightning in the stormy sky.
Lightning could bring life just like the return of Jesus will bring Life to those who are faithful. The discovery of frequent lightning bolts on Venus makes it look like God visits Venus too.
Of course God is everywhere in Heaven. Even on Venus, a planet similar to earth but much less hospitable. It has been considered the "evil twin" of earth--just like its hospitable sister but without the kindness to life.
As far back as 1978 there was some evidence of lightning on Venus, but the NASA probe that detected it suffered some signal interference. So scientists were not sure about the lightning.
Now a European space probe has made knowledge of the lightning a reality. And not only is the lightning real but frequent. But it happens 35 miles above the surface of Venus and does not touch anything there.
The lightning just flashes from cloud to cloud on Venus' atmosphere, which is 100 times more dense than that we are familiar with here on earth. Add to this that it is 900 degrees hotter than earth and you have conditions a little too much like hell to sustain life.
This does not mean anything to scientists, apparently, but has a "wow" factor. It is just an exciting or interesting find. It is not groundbreaking. There is no life on Venus and the presence of lightning does not promise revelation of many new mysteries.
But it is something happening near us in the Heavens that can remind us just how God wants to visit us here on earth. Jesus will return like a bolt of lightning in a storm. It will be a conspicuous return--nobody will miss it.
However, when you are sealed you look for the return of Jesus within you. The lightning is a beautiful and even convincing firestorm. It can cause you to sit up and take notice. And you can see God in that storm.
But you do not sit and wait for God to return "someday." That would be wasting time. And how could you have so much patience? You want to know God today, and be known of God.
You do not want to wait for God. At least not when you are sealed. You will need God to return within you. You will know in your mind, heart, and belly when God has come to live inside you.
And that will not be the end of the world. That will be the beginning for you. You will begin to talk to God as to a personal acquaintance--a friend. You will talk and listen. And He will talk to you and hear you.
You will exchange thoughts and feelings with God. You will be at peace with Him. But does He not come in a storm? Yes. And perhaps He will first come to you in a storm raging inside you. Perhaps that is when you will first accept Him.
So you can look for the return of Jesus in the lightning when it storms. You will not miss Him when He comes. But instead of waiting you can look for His return within you when you receive the Seal.